Sunday, February 4, 2007

It’s not about me anymore.

It is a most humbling experience, to say the least, to be led into a room and handed a child who will be totally dependent upon you for the next few decades. To witness the anguish in the childs face as she sees the nanny who has taken care of her for the past 18 months give her a last hug and kiss, walk out the door and vanish from her life forever.

She may never remember this happening to her, but the image will be with me for the rest of my life.

This blog was started to give AiLi a record, and share with our friends and family, our experience of her adoption and travel back to the place I hope she will accept as her home. I want it to also convey the love many people have shown for her and all of the children who are searching for happy endings. It is meant to give her a small picture of the world she came from and perhaps encourage her to return with a curiosity for what, by then, it has become.

For Karen and I this will truly be the trip of a life time, more challenging, rewarding and life changing than any dive trip!

We have already begun to experience the rewards of knowing AiLi, witnessing her personality blooming over the past week, her recognition of us as people she knows and not anymore as strangers.

And, her smiling and laughing, more and more and more.

As I begin to get anxious to return home and get back to familiar patterns and daily routines, it’s obvious to me that those things have forever been changed.
For Aili those daily routines and patterns have also been changed forever.

She is no longer an orphaned little girl with no home.

Papa Ira

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