Monday, January 29, 2007

29 Jan 2007: AiLi is “born”!

The long awaited day has arrived and AiLi, as of 10 a.m. this morning, has been in Ira and Karen’s arms! Joanna Weinstock, the doctor accompanying our group, has examined their lovely daughter, my sweet niece, and has proclaimed her perfectly healthy.

We arrived in Hefei (pronounced her-fay), capital city of Anhui province, about 600 miles south of Beijing, yesterday afternoon. Hefei is one of China’s “smaller” cities with a mere 4.46 million inhabitants. From the little we’ve seen, it seems to be in a state between demolition and development, without Beijing’s urgent rebuilding deadline of the 2008 Olympic games. Many construction sites stand idle in what appears to be a primarily industrial city. But we understand that Hefei is ringed with parks and look forward to some family outings over the few days.

This morning we went to the Civil Affairs Office, a short 10-minute drive from the hotel, where the anxious expectant parents were to be united with their daughters. The office was just short of pandemonium, with a group of families from Quebec and a group from Australia crowded with us into the small Adoption Registration Room to receive their babies. Not long after we arrived, the various orphanages’ staff began to bring the babies to their families. Huai Qing Liang (AiLi’s Chinese name, loosely interpreted with the help of our guide as “ample celebration”) was among the first to be “delivered” to our group.

Ah, the miracle of birth, even at 18+ months! There are no words to describe completely what took place: the boundless joy of the parents and family members, the sadness of the nannies who have cared for these babies, the fearful sobbing and wailing of the children who are as yet unaware of the wonderful lives they are now beginning. As the saying goes, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

AiLi cried quietly, then dozed, while we spent an hour or so at the office. There was a small amount of paperwork, an opportunity to ask questions of the orphanage director (What was her nickname? Can she climb? What does she like to eat?), admire each others’ daughters, and present gifts to the officials. There were enough cameras and video-recorders to support a major news conference.

AiLi has taken a real shine to her “baba” Ira. (Dogs and babies, he has a way with them both.) Could it be due to his fatherly declaration that she was the most beautiful baby among all those adopted today?

Now it is afternoon, back at the hotel. AiLi has had her first bottle. After some sporadic crying, she’s shown us she can walk, and smile and play. It’s four hours into her new life and she seems truly content. She’s lying in her crib and we’re watching her fall, somewhat reluctantly, asleep. After all, there’s so much to learn and do and see. A tremendous adventure awaits.

Auntie Susan


cherylbruce said...

Hi Karen & Ira,
AiLi is beautiful!!! When we read about your first moments together we teared's just such an amazing experience when you meet your child for the first time! We can't wait to see you guys when you return. Until then, enjoy China...and most importantly enjoy your daughter :-)

Love, Cheryl, Bruce, & Mya

AnneMarie said...

Hello Karen and Ira,
The Driscoll/Donnelly/Kling clan are burning up the phone and internet lines!! Congratulations! AiLi is so beautiful!! I can not stop looking at your photos and many thanks to Susan for her thoughtful updates.

Enjoy this special time together, it is truly priceless!! And please keep the photos coming!
Anne Marie

Fran said...

Karen & Ira,

Congratulations! AiLi is beautiful! The pictures are wonderful. We're so happy for you and can't wait to meet AiLi! (Get used to it - nobody we'll want to the adults anymore - just the baby!)

Susan - Thanks so much for taking these amazing pictures and keeping us all informed.


Sean said...

Hi Karen and Ira,

We're thrilled to see you with AiLi. She is just beautiful!! Siobhan was jumping up and down when she came home and saw the pictures. Nora let out a big squeal. We can't wait to meet her in person.

Susan, thanks so much for keeping us updated and for capturing these precious moments so we can share in them.

Safe travels.

Sean and Joan

ME & J said...

Hi Susan
You've performed your usual magic in sharing this momentous occasion with us! AiLi is indeed, a beautiful and lucky babe - and Karen & Ira look ecstatic :-). Can't wait to see your photos when you get home
Safe travels and blue skies
ME & J

suejack said...

Karen, Ira and Susan:

We have enjoyed reading your blog and AiLi is just beautiful. The pictures are great and we can't wait to hear first hand of all your experiences, not to mention meet AiLi.

All the best

Sue and Jack

Unknown said...

Karen and Ira,

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! AiLi is beautiful! You both looks so happy. Can't wait to see her in person....oh yea she's got "Star Power"
Love Ann

Margie Gregg said...

Dear Susan, Marilyn, Mommy & Daddy,

It's been a real privilege to watch your journey and your first few days with precious AiLi. I look forward to her first visit to Canada. Safe travels, Margie